Today, Butch and Sundance decided to turn the tables on Louise and I, and tried to knock us off in their own subtle way. As I’m sure you can decipher from our photos and posts, Louise and I spent a long time and invested a lot of thought and effort meticulously planning this trip. Doing […]
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Day 15. Keepin’ it real
Day 15 We piled the 13 of us back into the RV this morning while it was still dark. It instantly felt like being snatched from the bosom of our West Yellowstone sanctuary and hurdled onto the harsh Interstate abyss. I can describe what reentry is like to you only in the following 2-word phrases. […]
Days something through 14–Yellowstone
We have just spent the last four days in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. We have discovered and explored Yellowstone with more than a little help from our new friends of cabin staff, guides and locals. We saw the icons—Old Faithful erupted right at 5:38 as we dined at the Old […]
Day 12–Wolves, Bears and Marshmallows, Oh My!
I know I’m behind on posting for a couple of days, but when your breath has been taken away so often, sometimes you need a minute to catch it. We arrived in West Yellowstone on Monday to an oasis we didn’t know we needed. Right away we went to the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center […]
Day 10–Greetings from the Planet Wyoming
Captain’s Log, Stardate: 10.11 (I’ve lost track) We have arrived on the planet Wyoming, and I won’t lie—it is a much friendlier people than our last universe. The youngest of a crew needed some medical attention today for an ear infection after enjoying a day at the native amusement; a waterpark at the Fairfield Inn. […]
Days 8 and 9—Together in Mt. Rushmore and Deadwood
Upon picking up our last passenger from the Rapid City airport, our baker’s dozen of adventurers is now complete. Our crew of thirteen in matching T-shirts made for an inconspicuous entrance into Mount Rushmore, which was our destination for the day. But we’re not really going for subtlety when we ask strangers to take our […]
Day 7–Badlands and bad flies
The Badlands were an unexpected, awe-inspiring sight. Not a single picture could or has ever done it justice although we certainly tried through a myriad of lenses yesterday. Exploring that grandeur was not only a highlight of this trip, but certainly one of all my travels. Surprises like a field of wild prairie dogs and […]
Day 6–The Dads Land in the Badlands
We are almost to the one week mark of our adventure and today we met up with the Dads in the Badlands of South Dakota! This amazing landscape will be thoroughly explored and enjoyed all day tomorrow. Yay! However, we weren’t all together an hour before the kids started to recognize the difference between the […]
Day 5 and the Strange Beauty that is Sioux Falls
Walmart Cashier: Welcome to Walmart! Did you find everything you were looking for? Thelma: Yes, thank you. We don’t need a bag for the Venus Flytrap. Cashier: (Scanning eclectic mixture of consumer goods.) That is sure a lot of Band-Aids and Neosporin you’ve got there. Thelma: Four-square accident. And I’m still healing from sticking my […]
Day 4–Sioux Falls
We committed no felonies today. However, if looking this good after four days with campground hair and a glowing sheen from perspiration and bugspray is a crime, then we are guilty as charged, my friends. We traveled due north today through hundreds of miles of Iowa corn fields and farmland to the next pit stop […]
Dishing From Others