Comments on: Halloween was a little hollow in 1979 Don't Picket Fence Me In Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:03:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:03:57 +0000 Back in the olden days we didn’t have to worry about the treats; the neighbors had to worry about us. In those days, the “trick” portion had substance. Parents didn’t have to run around with us, the streets were safe, traffic was light, everyone in the ‘hood knew everyone else anyway (which kept the tricks pretty mild, actually) and no one worried about real bogymen.

Neither was there silly religious backlash as there is today. We Catholic kids trick’r’treated with the Jewish kids who lived across the street, running from door to door with abandon..and some of the best loot was collected at the Southern Baptist preacher’s house. There were no “alternative” celebrations, and no one lent the holiday any more substance than it deserved. It was just good fun, with occasionally a bit of mischief to give it a thrill.

Billy Joel sang that “the good old days weren’t always good,” but having fun back then was a far less complicated affair..

By: Tracey Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:00:17 +0000 In reply to Aunt Matilda.

I was just telling Amy last night as we were Trick-or-Treating about those awesome costumes we made. They were hands down my favorites, and passing down a little of that homemade love down to the kids.

There must be a photo somewhere…I remember it, I think.

By: Aunt Matilda Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:35:21 +0000 What! Where are the pictures of the awesome costumes we made at my house when you were young? If I remember correctly we had a bee and was it a spider or the Sesame Street Character. I have always regretted not getting a photo of you and your sister.
